Re: TI or HP?


Re: TI or HP?

>Or how about a high speed units converter?  Perhaps if people stopped
>trying to build a better "Pong" and started building a base of real
>world serious programs the Ti family would be looked on as more than
>high school toys.

Ohh!  You are going to get it for this one!  Most of the people on this
list are high school kids who only play games on their calc.  The only
math stuff they do is the same things that can be done on a $10 calc.
Hell, all you have to do is look at the messages, and you will notice
that 90% of the messages either discuss a game, discuss code for a game,
or argue about whether games should be made for the calcs.  You are right
however, HP's and Casio have little games available, but thier math
libraies make the TI's look like horse manure.  I'm not saying that games
should not be made, though.  I like games too.  Hell, I play games
probably for at least 3 hours out of a 6 hour school day.  But if look at
program archives, 99% are games.  I have found MAYBE 20 math programs,
and that is being conservative.  Sure, when you look at the total number
of programs for the TI's, versus HP, or Casio, the TI's win hands down.
But you are also counting the 300 variations of nibbles and Pong, and
other games.  When you look at the programs other than games, the TI's
are a joke.  Every single one of the math programs I have on my calc, I
have programmed my self.  (Note to ilya, I have not yet tried your
programs, so I am not knocking you here).  I have seriously looked at
HP's, and Casio graphers because I bought my calc for math, not to play
games.  I think what people have done game-wise is nothing short of
incredible, but the point stands that that's not what I bought my calc
for.  I have had teachers tell me that I made a mistake when I bought my
TI, I should have bought a Casio or HP.  Hell. even the casio scientific
I had was better than the TI.  That's not to say that the TI's are bad,
or that I am pissed that I bought a TI, it's just that the people who
spend the most of their time doing "math" type stuff, the TI's are
probably not the best choice.

WANTED:TI-92, prefer something like broken link port to make it CHEAP.

>Mark P. Wilson
>> ----------
>> From:         Jerome[SMTP:jhanson@CSCI.CSUSB.EDU]
>> Reply To:
>> Sent:         Wednesday, October 01, 1997 2:01 AM
>> Subject:      Re: TI or HP?
>> >as long as it can add mult div and
>> >subtract and run an ASM program, then what the heck.
>>         I think that you need to stop typing this garbage.  First of
>> all, not
>> everyone buys computers to play games.  Also not everyone is stupid
>> enough to buy powerful calculators to play games.  If you
>> want to play games, then buy a damn Nintendo 64!
>>         Some of us actually know the real reasons to buy a powerful
>> TOR, and those reasons have to do with much more than adding,
>> subtracting, and playing games.
>> --
>> Jerome Hanson

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