Re: TI or HP?


Re: TI or HP?

The so called 'jerk' in question here would be me, however I must point
out that some people cannot read simple sentences and comprehend thier
meaning at the same time.  What I said, for the record, is that many
people buy computers for the purpose of playing games.  Sure they may buy
them so they can type something up here and there, but games are usually a
huge part of why people buy top of the line computers.  Now sure I could
go and buy a PSX or a N64, but can I play multiplayer with an N64 over the
network? No.  Can I web browse on my PSX? No. Can I do both at once on a
PSX or N64? No, but I can on a PC with windowing.  Now, the same point
would apply in a general way to calculators.  Some people buy calculators
just for the games, while some buy them to calculate.  However, many
people who know the capabilities of a 92 are going to get one for *both*
reasons, and not merely to calculate.  I could have got an 85 (actually I
have one, but upgraded to 92 because of its symbolic manipulations)  and I
could have done everything I needed to do, but I wanted to be able to run
great games.  So, does this make me a jerk to believe that people should
*not* buy calculators to play just games? No. People do the same with
computers, so whats the big deal?  Also for the record I prefer to send
mail to people pointing out thier mistakes in private so that I do not
embarass them, but ddd's actions have had a way of allowing me to now
publicly point out his errors.  If ddd would take a few classes in the
English language section, perhaps he would better be able to comprehend
what someone says, and not make a fool of himself by trying to win an
argument with vague name calling tactics.  Very 2nd grade of you ddd.

On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Rene Kragh Pedersen wrote:

:d d d wrote:
:> Thank you, just for the record, he sent me a "great" reply via private
:> mail.  If I wrote that, I wouldn't want the whole list knowing what kind
:> of ignorant jerk I was either.
:Just a small notice:
:You may or may not be right, but judging a guy in public, from a letter
:that is not in public, gives no one here any hint of opportunity to
:judge for themselves. Actually you're saying he's an ignorant jerk
:without showing us why.
:If we believe you, who would be the ignorant jerks then?
:          Rene Kragh Pedersen
:.oO) It's not reality that matters, it's how you percieve things (Oo.

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