Guess what? I got kicked off!


Guess what? I got kicked off!

I received this interesting mail (got thrown into the trash because it
didn't contain my Spam-Fighter code, there are some downsides to it at
first, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages) stating that I got
kicked off the list.  I had totally forgotten that I was routing ALL
messages from CALC-TI through which then re-routed
it to  So, if anyone else is using a GeoCities account for
this list, don't or the same thing will happen to you somewhere along the
line.  I was using my GeoCities account as a screen for my real addr.
Didn't do much good though.

BTW, what messages did I miss between 9:00-2:00 in my time zone?

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

  Spam-Fighter code is:  14806560   (New technique to fighting spam)
  Enter "Spam-Fighter:  XXXXXXXX" in the body of a personal message
  to  Otherwise the message will be filtered as spam.