Re: Ti-86 question?


Re: Ti-86 question?

Jordang97 wrote:
> Is there any way you can competely hide a ti86 program for appearing on > the
edit menu

To hide a program from the Edit menu, just go into TI-Link and make sure
the Protected box is checked. Then send the program to the calculator.
(Quite impossible if you do not have a link, however)

> and on the names menu.

To hide a program from the Names menu is impossible. If this was so that
someone would not be able to run a certain program (only have it run
from another program), simply state in a program a certain set of
conditions that have to be fulfilled for the program to be run. In the
calling program, just fulfill those conditions. Like, if Str1="CHEMICAL
BROS.", then run the program. Else, quit. Then set "CHEMICAL
BROS."->Str1 in the calling program.

>  also would there be a way to edit it.

If you edit-lock a program, it cannot be edited, hence the name "Edit
Lock." Since there is no real way to Run-Lock a program, except for the
way I've described, which involves Edit-locking the program, the same
rules apply.

> could it be deleted or erased by reset.

Deleted: Yes. Erased by reset: Yes. For explanation, let's turn to the
rules of the calc.

1. Resetting the calculator restores the calculator to its original
state, no programs can possibly survive.
Unless, you create a dummy program that is always running, and that pops
up a fake Mem menu and acts like it deleted the calculator...hmm... ;)
| Ryan "Grommit" Avery |
|  "What Leo wants, Leo gets...Ok ok ok ok..."   |
|  "Shoot for Vectorscan...great shot...offense  |
|   released!"                                   |
|                                                |
