FWD: Answers to TI-86 Questions..


FWD: Answers to TI-86 Questions..

Forwarded message:
From:   banderson@ti.com (Brigette Anderson)
To:     TI85Calc@aol.com
Date: 97-06-25 17:33:42 EDT


Thank you for your recent correspondence.  I will answer you questions in
the order that you asked them referenced by the numbers you gave them:

1)  The TI-86 Graph Link software will be placed on our web site soon.  I
don't have an exact release date yet, but we hope to have it up within the
next couple of weeks.  When it is available, you will be able to download
it from out web site at http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/graph.htm by clicking
on TI Graph Link and then selecting TI-86.

2)  The TI-86 programs for inferential statistics, probability
distributions, and financial functions will be placed on our web site as
soon as our designers have a final version of the code to release.  You
will be able to access this information from our TI-86 web page which may
be reached from the URL above by clicking on TI-86.

3)  The "$5 parallel-port link" is a device that was developed outside of
TI and as such has no TI support.  The software that is available for it
was not developed by TI and we will not have a part in developing any
future software that is compatible with this cable.  You might try
contacting the programmer who wrote the software to see if he plans to
write a new TI-86 version.

4) We will be providing information about the TI-86 system so that
programmers can write their own assembly programs for the TI-86.  This
information will be available as documentation only from out web site at
the same address as above.  If you are interested in the format of this
information, it will be very similar to the information that was provided
about the TI-83.

5) The TI-86 will not be able to run Z-Shell programs because it will have
a different operating system from the TI-85.  This means that the system
calls made in a TI-85 ZShell program would be incorrect for the TI-86.
You might be able to adapt the TI-85 ZShell programs to the TI-86 language
and then be able to run them on the new calculator.

6) ASCII is the standard text character set that is used for most
computers. I believe you will write the assembly program in ASCII text and
then send it to the calculator.  The asm( function will convert this text
to the hex code machine language that the calculator understands and load
the hex version on your calculator so that you can access it.

7) The TI-85 programs which are written in "TI-Basic" will work on the
TI-86 with little or no modification.  There is one minor change in the
order of operations evaluation from the TI-85 to the TI-86 which could
require some minimal changes to the code to allow TI-85 programs to run on
the TI-86.  The programmers have changed the precedence of implied
multiplication to be the same order as regular multiplication.  This is as

Example TI-85 Evaluation             TI-86 Evaluation

1/2*A =   (1/2)*A              (1/2)*A

1/2A  =   1/(2*A)             (1/2)*A

To correct this, you will need to go through the code and clarify any
instances of implied multiplication through the use of parentheses.

I hope I have cleared up some of the confusion you may have about the new
TI-86, if there is anything else I can do for you, please feel free to
contact me again.

Best Regards,

Brigette Anderson
TI Consumer Relations         Internet:banderson@ti.com
Texas Instruments                Phone:(972)917-8324
PO Box 650311  M/S 3962          Fax:(972)917-0747
7839 Churchill Way
Dallas, TX  75251

========================= ORIGINAL MESSAGE ==========================

[ TI85Calc @ aol.com on 6/20/97 10:13:52 PM ]

I recently bought a TI-86..   I have many questions that need to be
-------------------------------ANY help will be appreciated!1.)  I searched
of TICALC.ORG, and TI.COM/CALC..   Neither of them have
ANY information on the TI-86 Graph link.     Can anyone tell me WHERE I can
get ANY TI-86 Linking program?2.)  Also, TI said they would develop STAT
programs for the TI-86 once it releases.  I don't see any!3.)  Are there
to be any Linking programs for the TI-86 that will be "$5 parallel-port
compatible?  I already built one for my 85, and was just wondering there
be one for the TI-86.4.)  How do you program in assembly language on the
Is there any program like Z-shell.  Are Assembly programs in .86s
Is there any possible way you can run TI-85 -Z-shell/Assembly-Language
games on
the TI-86?   For example, a program made in the 86s assembly language.6.)
page 226 in the TI-86 Guidebook, It says something about the Assembly
Compiler.Here's all it says:
AsmComp(AsciiAssemblyPrgmName,    - Compiles an assembly language program
written in in ASCII and stores the hex version.
-------------  What it is this supposed to mean?  How do you write in
(Pardon my computer/calculator illiteracy)7.)  Is there anyway I can
convert a
TI-85 program into a TI-86 program?  I have MANY useful math programs for
TI-85, and I want to use them on my TI-86.Thanks,Mohsan Habibi
Seminole Highschool Student (Sophomore)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TI-86 Web page coming
