Re: ok, the big question; and the 86 demo prog


Re: ok, the big question; and the 86 demo prog

Bought a TI-86 two weeks ago when it was first released in the UK for #117
(ridiculous, I know, but when you compare it to myu old Sharp 9200 it's
brilliant!) and have spent a lot of time playing :-) But I have found no
demo program. Tried holding down keys when turning on, but only <Enter>,
<(-)> & <Down> do anything, and all that is is to say that the batteries are
low! If there is any way to start the demo, I'd like to know. Also, anyone
know when the TI-Link will be available?

>While we're on the topic of 86's, has anyone seen TI's demo program? I work
>at OfficeMax, and we just set up a new "Back to School With TI" display.
>I got the chance, I decided to check out the new 86 (selling for $129.99
>U.S.). When I pressed [ON], I got a menu like this:

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