Zreduce 86


Zreduce 86

Hi All,
        I was playing with my Ti-86 when I found a bug in the Asm program
ZReduce by Bill Nagel v1.2 I believe. I would like to report this bug to
him but I can't find his E-mail address and his page was consumed by the
Ti-Files. If anyone can get ahold of him you may want to report this bug
to him. Anyway the bug is this... If you use any basic program using the
input command and text conjuntion, such as; Input "Yo Mama",A  ect. the
text will be pulled up at the X= prompt, like this; X=Yo Mama? . You can
even delete the program the this command is in and yet it will display
this text. It may even be a fault in the Calc itself. I have version 1.2
                                  -Michael Malluck
