Re: Tape85


Re: Tape85

Of course that wouldn't work.

Let me repeat this one more time:

Handshaking protocols, send protocols, verification and error-correcting
CRCs, management (where is 'this-and-that' program on this tape?), and all
that is doable by software, and is not a big issue. What is needed now for
the continuation of this project is for someone to find a very simple ADC
that plugs on one end into your walkman and converts a few beeps to digital
+5V on the other side. It might work with less, I don't know. It doesn't
even have to convert every single frequency. If it would be able to pass
back on whenever there is a beep of a certain freq. on the tape, that would
be good enough. There have to be some hardware peoples out there who know
where to get such a simple ADC...

That's what needed right now.

And there is no way this is going to work with [2nd] link or cbl. Even if
you have a fully digitized system such as the ESF that doesn't work, for
obvious reasons. Think about it. cblget and cblsend, first off, send
acknowledgement codes back and forth. tape85 is one way.. whatever you
record to isn't going to say 'yeah, i got that!'. same thing with sending
it to the calc. The calc can say 'yeah, i got that!', but the other side
(your walkman) won't send back an 'okay' there. furthermore, cblget and
link menu expect data a lot faster than a plain analog tape can provide. As
I said before, a big game like McMik or Deadalus will take 2, 3 minutes,
maybe more.

Mislav Bilobrk <mb35507@PINUS.CC.FER.HR> wrote in article
> What about Output("CBLSEND",string
> and Input("CBLGET",string  ????
> Do this commands make a handshake with CBL?
> They will not give you "error" if CBL is not connected!
> ... and it makes some noise on AM-radio for a second or two
> It would be great if we could send stuff  ti85 -> d/a converter -> tape
> and get it back from TI-BASIC!
> What about this, is there a guru outthere?
