BETA Macintosh TI-Graph Link for the TI-86 is here


BETA Macintosh TI-Graph Link for the TI-86 is here

A BETA version of the Macintosh TI-Graph Link for the TI-86 is now available at

This software is different from previous TI-Graph Link versions you may be
accustomed to. Please take the time to read the TI-Graph Link Quickstart Help
under the Help menu bar.

This is a beta version of the software.  If you find any bugs or have any
comments, please direct them to

The following is a known problem (and solution) that you may experience with
this release: If you try to connect to the calculator initially and experience
an error (from calculator being turned off or cable incorrectly connected to
the computer or the calculator), then, even after the problem is corrected,
reconnecting will still produce an error. Exiting the TI-Graph Link application
and then starting it again will get rid of the problem.

Best regards,
