Change in access to Calc-TI


Change in access to Calc-TI

To help reduce the amount of garbage we see on this list, calc-ti is now a
private list (at least temporarily) - this means that only subscribers to the
list can send mail to it.

Those who read the newsgroup bit.listserv.calc-ti should be unaffected.  In
fact, most of you will not see a difference and can continue participating on
the list as usual, but this change is bound to cause some difficulties for

If your email address has changed (even slightly) since you first subscribed to
calc-ti, you will no longer be able to post.  You must first unsubscribe with
your old address and resubscribe with the your new address.  If you need help
doing that, please send a note to me at or

If you read calc-ti from a redistribution list, you will no longer be able to
post until you personally subscribe.

There are a few more scenarios like the two above, but I'm sure you get the
point.  Please let us know if you have any trouble.

Thanks and best regards,
