Re: Here it is! HAL-IC!


Re: Here it is! HAL-IC!

> Will you have variable declarations?  That would be important because there
> are 3 variable types.  (Single register, two registers, and floating point)
> Then you could have a function that can import and export an external
> "normal" variable into a floating point number to use in the program.  For
> floating point math you could even support the ASM floating point routines
> TI gave the pointers to.

There are several variable types. Byte (one register), word (2 registers),
string, floating point (using OS vars), byte or word pointers, and a list
or matrix of any of the above. They also can be set as constant,
meaning they are stored in the program instead of a temporary area,
like high scores. I don't think I missed any types of vars...

Note: I am handling list questions about HAL-IC for the next couple of
days. is bogged down with hundreds of ques-
tions and beta testing requests right now and had to sign off of the
lists so as to more promptly reply to the mail. I know what I'm talking
about (mostly). Feel free to write to either of us or to Retupmoc7