Re: Help!!


Re: Help!!

Yes, it works on the 82.  Prompt Y1,X:Disp Y1  Remember the quote when
prompting Y1.  Strange that it doesn't work on the 85.  I guess that they
aren't as compatable as I thought! for text mail! for mail with attachments only!

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996 13:14:49 -0700 "Mark Morse" <>
>> Prompt Y1,X
>This won't work on the TI-85; it gives ERROR 07 SYNTAX.
>(Even if I add the "t" onto "Promp"   :>  )
>Equations must be entered as strings first, then converted to
>using the St>Eq function.  Are you *sure* you can enter an equation
>the restricted variable name y1 on the TI-82 using Prompt?  Did you
>actually try it?  That is very interesting.
>       ~ Mark
