Re: TI-85 vs. TI-82


Re: TI-85 vs. TI-82

K Walker wrote:
> Gryffin wrote:
> >
> > Hello all.  I purchased a TI-82 about a month ago and love it.  However,
> > I have a friend who has an 85 and is willing to swap for a small fee :)
> > Anyway, my prime concern is compadibility with the 82.  I'm not talking
> > about linking to one, but I am talking about the functionality.  I'm
> > taking Honors Algebra II, using a text written by 3 authors whose names
> > I don't remember off the top of my head.  Allready I have used some
> > nifty features on the 82, primarily the "sum seq()" function.  If I take
> > up my friend's offer, I would like to do things like this on the 85.
> >     The main reason I'm considering this trade is so I can gain the
> > functionality of ZShell, the Custom menu, and more.  I would appreciate
> > your opinions on this... the money is no object... I'm ripping him off.
> > So whaddya think?
> >
> > Thanx in advance,
> > Casey Liss
> >
> Get the 85. they rule.  you will never touch an 82 again.
> --
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> \/  \/\___|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |   \/  \/ \__,_|_|_|\_\___|_|    \___/|_|()
>   <a href=""></a>  |___/


Get a real one TI-92 kicks ass.
