$4 serial link cable


$4 serial link cable


I just finished making the $4 serial link cable, but I have a question..
When I test it with a multimeter (as recommended in the docs) when I open
up my comm program (that accesses COM1) I get the 5.1v and -.7 volts as
said in the text file.  However, the port stays "dead" (i.e. no voltage)
when I access it with the ThriftyLink or Ti Graph-Link software.  Why?  Is
this normal?


 __  /_______ _______ _____  __   Tony Do - Franklin, WI
 _  __/_  __ \__  __ \__  / / /   tonyd@execpc.com
 / /_  / /_/ /_  / / /_  /_/ /    cle@csd.uwm.edu
 \__/  \____/ /_/ /_/ _\__, /     http://www.uwm.edu/~cle
                      /____/      USR Sportster 33.6k