Re: TI-83


Re: TI-83

At 11:25 PM 9/2/96 GMT, you wrote:
>My son is using a TI-83 calculator for his High School
>algebra course.  He is trying to transfer programs from
>The internet into his calculator.  The only cable we can
>find is the one sold by TI. The cost is around 50 bucks.
>I think that's a bit high. So does anyone know a CHEAPER
>way to transfer the programs?
>This article was posted to Usenet via the Posting Service at Deja News:
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 Two choices: build the infamous $5 link cable yourself with Radio Shack
 parts (info on the Net at various sights), or get the programs in text form
 and type them in by hand. Most of us seem to feel the link cable is essential,
 however, and shell out the $45-50 it costs. I don't know anything more
about the
 homemade link cable, but it gets heavily discussed here from time to time.
George Egbert
Math Department
San Marcos High School
Santa Barbara, CA
