$4 Serial Link Problem


$4 Serial Link Problem

Please help me. I saudered the the link as it says in the diagram and
downloaded tilink version 1.03 like it says. The tilink.txt file said to
check the voltages between the Red or White wire to the Ground wire, it
said it's supposed to be -0.7v. When I checked it, it was 5.0v, which is
what it's supposed to be AFTER you start the tilink program, but I
checked it before. I double and triple-checked the diagram, and found
that everything was O.K. I was wondering though, I  did get one of the
diodes a little bit hot when I was saudering. I though this was the
problem but then I checked the voltage and it said 5.1v which are the
voltage of the diodes. Please help me!!! I'm really desperate. I spent
many hours on this and would really like to get it to work. Anyone who
built this link please email me. Do not email the list, please email me