


I heard an adaptor mentioned that was needed to hook a modem to a
graph-link that worked on the 92. Is this just a male to male converter
or a circuit of some kind? And wuold it be possible to use the talk 85
prog to communicate with the modem somewhat? I know i can use it to chat
with my computer because iv'e done it.

          | |
| You can't expect your son to |          Matthew S. Trent         |
|  do his homework, and eat a  |          <>         |
|    foot long hero without    |"Friends don't let friends do Mac."|
|      Prussian Dressing       |   /M\  /M\    /SSSSS\  <TTTTTT>   |
|               -Tim Allen     |   M  \/  M    SS____      TT      |
|            \|||/             |   M  MM  M     `"""SS     TT      |
|   Wilson-> (o o)             |   M  MM  M    \SSSSS/     TT      |