Sorry that My Page Went Down


Sorry that My Page Went Down

I know as much as many people do that my TI-85 page is down. I have taken
several messures to assure its existence.

WPI has shut my www because it caused too much trafic for them.
Partially because of a good Ti-85 webpage and I had a supermodel page full
of pictures. I have place my webpages at several locations in the around
the internet.

The first location is through a friend's computer running linux.

the next location is at geocities

These pages  are to be used until my real page gets back on air.

|    Amandio Hilario Rua         "The nations of our time cannot prevent the
|                               conditions of men from becoming equal; but
|    (508)756-6724              it depends upon the men themselves whether
|                               the principle of equality is to lead them
|              to servitude or freedom, to knowledge or
|                               barbarism, to prosperity or wretchedness."
|                               -Alexis de Tocqueville
|    WPI, Worcester, MA         '"Democracy in America:  Book IV"'