Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?


Re: Why are TI Calcs so inferior?

On Sat, 16 Nov 1996, Caitlin Keidel wrote:

> > Some HS students do need an 9x or an
> >8x.
> I do not know of any high school students who would NEED a 9x. I know that
> if I waltzed into my AP Chem, AP Physics or math class with a TI-92 my
> teacher would laugh inmy face. Also, the college board will not let you use
> a 92 on their tests whether the test be an SAT or an AP test. Now, the
> college board heartily endorses the 8x series and teachers like it too. You
> can't go too far with something in the 8x range.
> --Caitlin

Right on Caitlin.  I couldn't have said it any better myself.

        -- JBD

|                |                                                    |
|    ---------   |  John M.H. Miyares (aka "Johnny Big Dog")          |
|        |       |  Home:  1 Kavanaugh Pl. Bar Harbor, ME  04609      |
|        |       |  Work:  Department of Mathematics, MDI High School |
|    ----+----   |  P.O. Box 180, Mount Desert, ME  04660             |
|        |       |  (h) (207) 288-8272                                |
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