Re: Release of Fargo


Re: Release of Fargo

Mike Harder <> wrote in article
> "Mark P. Wilson" <> wrote:
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> <<Hmmmm.  Josh, it seems that you have been the only one keeping us
> >> updated
> >> on Fargo.  Thank you!  It seems that you have suggested that all David
> >> needs is a little encouragement.
> >Why is FARGO a single point (of failure) project??  If beta copies are
> >floating around, then why doesn't anybody "float" them to the other
> >people in this group who do ASM?  This Dave guy may be a talented
> >programmer, but he doesn't seem terribly interested in fifnishing it.
> >Give all the other folks here who want to bang it out a chance!!  A lot
> >of folks here just want to know the back door to get started.  If Dave
> >doesn't care about getting it done, then he shouldn't care about other
> >folks working on it. Make the information available to all, so somebody
> >can get the damn thing done.
> I agree with Mark entirely.  I think we have waited patiently long
> enough.  It's time to start distrubuting whatever any of us have on
> Fargo, whether David wants us to or not.  I realize that he's not
> getting paid for this, he's doing it on his own will, etc.  But he
> obviously doesn't respect us anymore, what with not answering mail and
> never telling us what's going on.  I encourage those who have betas of
> Fargo to post it.  You would be loved by all.  You might even become
> rich.  I would gladly send $10 for a working copy of Fargo.  My two
> cents.
> --
> Mike Harder

Well if David is living in a cave from the rest of us like everyone says,
why can't someone post a beta copy.  I won't tell if you don't ;)

"If the lie returns to the mouth of the powerful, our voice of fire will
speak again"
