Re: Release of Fargo


Re: Release of Fargo

<<Why is FARGO a single point (of failure) project??  If beta copies are
floating around, then why doesn't anybody "float" them to the other
people in this group who do ASM?  This Dave guy may be a talented
programmer, but he doesn't seem terribly interested in fifnishing it. >>

  Not lately he sure doesn't. Last time he appeared was well over 3 weeks
ago, and I don't think he's touched fargo in five weeks. Humpf.

<<Give all the other folks here who want to bang it out a chance!!  A lot
of folks here just want to know the back door to get started.  If Dave
doesn't care about getting it done, then he shouldn't care about other
folks working on it. Make the information available to all, so somebody
can get the damn thing done.>>

  I would love to, and so would many others. David is a nice guy, so no
one wants to go against his requests not to distriibute it, but there's
been some threats lately going around that some people might release it if
David doesn't show up any time soon.

<<Dave has had, by your own estimate, 5 MONTHS to do a day's work.  He
has dropped the ball.  Either get it to someone else, or forget FARGO.>>

  Well that "days work" from five months ago has come a long way, and has
many thaings that are much more than a days work now, but at given time he
has been a day away from finishing it if he stopped adding things. Of
course, the big question is when (or if) he will ever get to that last
day's work.

