Re: TI-83 &TI-85, Which One is Better For.........


Re: TI-83 &TI-85, Which One is Better For.........

In article <55rfq4$>,
(Willie J.) writes:

>I want to know which one is best for college calculus and finance
>major(business mathematics included) comparing their funtions and
>ease-to-use ability.  I've heard that TI-85 is kinda more useful to
>engineering major, is this true?

Though you could probably program the 85 to do a lot, the 83 seems
specialized in the fields of finance and the like.  I don't know of any
special engineering capabilites, but you can program either calculator in
asm, (though you may get more user support for programming the 85 in asm).
 Based on what you've said, I'd recommend the 83.
