Re: BIOS on TI-85???


Re: BIOS on TI-85???

On 27 Aug 96 at 23:30, Billenstein, Matthew David wrote:

> I've heard some discussions on different BIOS versions of the
> various models of TI graphing calcs.  How can I tell which version
> my TI-85 is?  And what is the difference between the different
> BIOS v rsions anyhow?  I did have a problem with a program that
> used the GETKEY function on the 82 when the program was used on
> different TI-82 calcs.  Was the BIOS my problem?  I think the
> GETKEY function wouldn't clear out my variable everytime it hit
> that command in the loop on the older calcs.  I know I'm rambling,
> probably sounds confused.  Heck, I am!!!

To check your BIOS versions (aka ROM version) type
[2nd][Mode][Alpha][S]. On TI-82, there shouldn't be any differences
between ROM versions and I've never heard of the bug you're
describing, but if you can isolate it there obviously is one! What
ROM versions were you using?

Mattias Lindqvist
CS student at LTH, Sweden
