[A92] Re: 92 asm instalation


[A92] Re: 92 asm instalation

> Im a rich white boy, from MN. Obviously though, because I'm white, Im stupid, 
> and don't know exactly what to install to get asm. 
If that's supposed to be some kind of humor, you've obviously missed the
punch line. 

> I downloaded Fargo, but 
> when I installed whatever was in the folder "include", and saw it made a 
> function thing called "funcclip". So I tryed to run this, and it sayd an 
> error happened. "Error- Argument must be a variable name" and went into the 
> code stuff, to the top where it sayd ...

If you have a TI-92 (not TI-92+), you should receive a backup, install
Fargo into it using putfargo.bat, send it back to your calculator and send
at least shell.92p and flib.92p to your calc. Now phoenix should run. RTFM
for details.

							David Kuehling
