A92: New staff


A92: New staff

I hang around here since summer 96.
I have seen many things happen on the ti scene : Cliff Biffle on the list
was there in that time: he came back just recently. I was known then as
hmlacage@aol.com . 
Well: the aim of this mail is to give my support to Bryan Rabeler.
I know he has been extremly active for ticalc. He used to maintain his own
site which i thouhgt was one of the coolest one for ti92 calcs...
So, i think all this is not good for ticalc. 
I hope people will excuse me for my bad english but i DO maintain what i
just said. This is simply official support to bryan.
I don't want to begin any flame war or anything on the list. Mail privatly
if you wish to flame me. lacage@email.enst.fr

* Mathieu Lacage                            *
* ch 224,                                   *
* 212 Rue de Tolbiac                        *
* 75013 Paris                               *
*         mathieu.lacage@email.enst.fr      *
*                    President Blue Note    *
*                    Chef du Bar            *