Re: A92: [ABOUT] Fargo Program Editor 2.


Re: A92: [ABOUT] Fargo Program Editor 2.

At 12:01 05/01/99 +0100, you wrote:
>I read a few time ago that some improvments were coming for F.P.E 2. such as
>Real Time Highlighting Editor.
>So ?
>Is there something new ?
>VIVES Fabien
>( Enlevez NOSPAM pour me repondre )
>( Get NOSPAM off to answer me )..
>ICQ : 16950211

sorry... I am currently completly overworked !! But i really want to do it
I will have time to.
Like i said in a previous mail, the highlighting functions work very very
But i have now to do the editor itself. the dream would be to find on the web
a free source code of such a normal editor for Win32, without highlighting.
I am
sure there are some. but where  ????? do you know ?
The other solution would be to use an existing class of c++ builder, like
richedit. But i currently don't succeed to do that. (I am looking for BCB3). 
or do you know how to do ?? (Rusty ?)
The third solution is to get a free highlighting editor. but FREE !! i
don't want
to spend money for a freeware ! it would be stupid ! 
Someone told me about CodeMax, but i think it is not free. I will try to 
do a search (with altavista, yahoo...) Or if you have some new information,
mail me !

