Re: A92: Palm OS development tools


Re: A92: Palm OS development tools

The Palm runs off a derivative of the 68K called
DragonBall. Getting a program to run on both platforms
would be a little harder than getting an old Mac 68k
program to run on your 92. Probably harder, in fact,
because the Palm processor is different. It's similar,
but still different. But hey, if you can get them to

--- Andrew Magness <> wrote:
> It could be... They are similar... I'm getting a
> Palm III soon... maybe
> somethings can be co-written for both platforms
> At 08:10 PM 12/21/99 PST, you wrote:
> >
> >As some of you know the Palm family of PDA's use
> almost (if not the exact 
> >same) processor,  so did the Mac 68k.  As a matter
> of fact,  The first Palm 
> >OS SDK was nothing more than an HTMl file with some
> specifics, and then a 
> >pointer to the ASM instruction manual written by
> davd that is included in 
> >the Fargo II distribution.
> >
> >For this reason I was wondering if maybee the same
> tools that are used to 
> >compile programs for the PalmOS might also work for
> the ti-92,  There is 
> >already a port of GNU C for the Palm OS,  I would
> be wiling to bet that it 
> >would work interchangably with the port of GNU C
> for the TI-92.
> >
> >Metro-Works makes Win 32 CodeWarrior for the Palm,
> >There is a Win 32 smallTalk compiler for the palm,
> >
> >Yes all of the libraries would be diferent,  but
> think of the diversity of 
> >programs there would be if we had three or four
> different languages in which 
> >to write programs for the ti-92.
> >Just a thought,
> >
> >Joey Novak
> >
> >Get Your Private, Free Email at
> >
> >
> >
> >

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