Re: A92: Just a little problem


Re: A92: Just a little problem

There is an addressing mode which lets you do this...
it goes like this:
move.w  4(A6,d6.w),d5

That will move the word at A6+4+(2*D6.w) to d5.
The reason it's 2*D6 is because words are 2
bytes long, and this is move.w.  It would multiply
it by 1 if it was move.b and by 4 if it was move.l
I think all this is correct at least.  so I think a snippet
of code that would do what you want would be this:

lea	wfichier,A0
move.w	cpt,d1
move.b	D0,0(A0,d1.w)

assuming of course that cpt is a word.  You might
also be able to leave out the 0 on the outside of the

Tell me if this helped... and if it worked :)

     Daniel Plaisted
     ICQ - 10360037

On Mon, 07 Sep 1998 09:49:39 +0200 Florian TRAVERSE
<> writes:
>I store a string in 'wfichier', I store a number
>to 'cpt', I store a char in 'd0': my problem is to
>store the char 'd0' in the string 'wfichier' at
>the character number 'cpt',and I didn't found how
>to: could anybody help me?
de rien :)
>In french,specially for Gaëtan:
>j'ai un string dans 'wfichier', un nombre dans
>'cpt', et un charactère(enfin sa valeur numérique
>quoi) dans 'd0', mon problème, c'est que je veut
>stocker le caractère qu'il y a dans 'd0' dans le
>string 'wfichier' a la lettre numéro 'cpt', ou un
>multiple de 'cpt'.
>Merci d'avance!

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