A92: Re: TI92 EXEC


A92: Re: TI92 EXEC

Miroslaw J. Wiechowski schrieb:

> Arno Kizina [01:15 1998-10-02 +0200]:
> >> Is there any documentation on TI92 "exec" instruction available?
> >> (Exec allows to execute assembly language directly from Basic).
> >>
> >> I would be grateful for any information.
> >>
> >> Regards
> >> MJ Wiechowski
> >
> >  Not at all, I was told by TI cares info will be provided along with
> >the rom update when I asked them for info about exec, basic and assembly
> >combinations and info about built-in rom functions.        A.K.
> Most probably the info about ROM internals, EXEC etc. for TI92 will
> be released when nobody is interested in TI92 any more because of
> newer and even more powerfull models.
> Gee, should it be so difficult for TI employees to write 5-10
> pages of technical information and put it onto the web?
> Kind regards
> MJ Wiechowski

  No, you're right. It would be even easier for them to simply post their
info they should have on their computer to write routines used in ROM. I
thought about that for a while ... perhaps they want to give us a big-style
puzzle ( let them find out), but with this amount of ROM, so I keep on
waiting and from time to time checking an idea to find out. A romdump would
be helpful as I got a reassembler program running (slowly) on my Atari-
emulator, as my onboard disassembler requires writing down all orders.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Arno Kizina
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