Re: A92: Questions (again)


Re: A92: Questions (again)

Kyle Stemen schrieb:
> David Kühling wrote:
> > I'd be very please if someone could explain me, how the folder and
> > variable system of the TI-92 works (I'm looking forward to program a
> > menu to choose files)
> >
> Aren't there any example programs for that? If not email me and I will
> give you a program that I made that uses it.
> > Another question: What's the difference between bhi and bgt (something
> > with signed and unsigned?)
yes, it is: bhi is for unsigned comparisons and bgt for signed, that is bhi 
jumps if Z=0 and C=0 blt if Z=0 and((N=1 and V=1)or(N=0 and V=0)), where Z = 
zeroflag, C = carry, N = negativ and V = overflow. Look in Atari ST Assembler-
Programmierung by Heinrich Kersten.
