Re: LF: lots of stuff, mem expander


Re: LF: lots of stuff, mem expander

Andrew Von Dollen wrote:

> Yes, as you read it is possible to directly access the TI-92's Link
> Port.
> Bryan Turner was the one who figured this out. There are documents in
> the
> works on how to do this. This discovery makes a 92 expander fully
> possible,
> both with Mel Tsai's existing design and a few different designs that
> are
> slowly surfacing.  The expander driver for the TI-92 and the existing
> exapander design is being developed.

   I've explained the technique to David Ellsworth for the next version
of the ports.txt file.  If anyone needs the information sooner, just
mail me directly.

> >Thus, i tried to put between these lines :
> >lsl   #8,D3
> >lsl   #8,D3
> >lsr   #8,D3
> >lsr   #8,D3
> >but this doesn' t work: the D3 reg is empty after this...
> hmm, this will shift d3 right 8*4=32 times, zeroing it out completely
> as
> you found.

   Actually, I don't know why that DIDN'T work.  The first two are left,
and the second two are right shifts.  It ought to work that way.
(although it's highly inefficient)

> If you want to clear the upper word of d3, you could
>  swap           d3              ;swaps the two word sized halves of d3
>  clr.w          d3
>  swap           d3              ;swap them back, the upper word is now
> clear
> or
>  and            $FFFF,d3

    The smallest method would simply be:ext.l    d3

This would sign extend D3 from a word to a long - and assuming it's less
than $8000, it would clear the upper two bytes.

> Well, I don't quite understand what you are asking, so cannot help
> much,
> but if you can clarify what exactly you are trying to do, I will be
> happy
> to help.

  I agree, what exactly are you trying to do - that way we can help you
out more efficiently.

