LF: Fargo game ideas


LF: Fargo game ideas

Here are a few game ideas for those great 68k programmers: 

A ballistics type game, i.e. Scorched Earth

* Ah... I don't know the name... You have to fill in a box while this
stick flies around the playing area...

* Space Invaders!!!! I would die for that game! Please! :)

* Dang... I don't remember the name of this one either... One screen,
with ladders, you run around and collect gems, blast holes in the
floor to trap the guys that run after you.

* Wolf3d clone, I know at least two people are doing that, thanks!

That's all for now, happy Thanksgiving!

BTW, I can draw, if anyone needs an artist, mail me.

Tim Gerla    |   timg@climax.polaristel.net -=={UDIC}==-
Tyball@irc   |   www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1691
Fargo Program Archive: www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/1691/ti.html
Premade TI link cables for sale! Write me or see my page for details.