Re: LF:new programs...


Re: LF:new programs...

> BTW, anyway to make the pic of Sandra a little smaller?  just a thought.
> How come hardly any new Fargo programs are being released?  Whats with
> that?

Well, simply because writing 68k assembly isn't a very common skill. 
Everybody usually prefers to learn x86 assembly,  since most of the 
computers worldwide accept it a lot better :)... And of course, learning 
an assembly language and then writing programs with it takes a 
lot of time. But be patient, it is worth waiting!

Nuno Costa
Stop the mass genocide in East Timor!

Nuno Miguel Vieira da Costa                                       | Sem a loucura que e o homem,
Email:                                        | Mais que a besta sadia
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________________________________________________Fernando Pessoa____
