LF: Re: Base 64 Encoder


LF: Re: Base 64 Encoder

> From: BRENT L GRIGG <grigg@juno.com>
> To: list-fargo@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: LF: Base 64 Encoder
> Date: Wednesday, November 20, 1996 1:57 AM
> My e-mail will still not accept attachments.  could someone possibly send
> me a base 64 encoder?  I think that should do the trick.  Thanks.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Down the bus, out the modem, over the line... nothin' but net.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Stephen Grigg         [grigg@juno.com]

How do we send you an base 64 encoder if you cannot accept

Juno does accept attachements but you must manually cut and paste them
between text files and messages cannot be more than 50k, so that means a
fairly large file would have to be broken up.

I suggest you find uuencoder/decoder program in BASIC or get a friend to
get you a decoder.

I have a great one but I can't send it to you unless you want to type a
binary file manually (has that ever been done before?)
