Re: LF: RE: Using FTerm with modem


Re: LF: RE: Using FTerm with modem

> If this is the way you want to look at it, why make Fargo at all? With no
> disrespect to the programmers (who are indeed talented) I just cannot see
> someone in a work situation using FTerm to connect to a BBS.
> /Billy

Think about what you are saying, I am 16 years old and next year I will be
taking collage courses In programming, Do you actually think that Most (not
all) of the people on this list are actually over 20, let alone out of High
school, you can't expect this to take any hold on the business world, in a
fue of years I am going to have to work for a living, and not leach off my
parents any more.  This is not something that I take lightly, I want to
have time to program on my own.  

Second of all the world of computers is a vast place and soon it wont be
what information you have but how easy is it to get..........


-In cyberspace the only frontier is Ignorance.....
