Re: LF: TI-92 with sound...


Re: LF: TI-92 with sound... wrote:
> In a message dated 11/17/96 4:58:18 PM, you wrote:
> <<You guys are missing the entire point of my previous posting:
> "Make the TI-92 a real gaming machine with sound!"
> I already know that the hardware end is possible, because I've done it
> (with a few converters).>>
>   Woah, tell me how this is possible. As far as I know, it is impossible,
> bacuse the 92's link is controlled differently than the 8x's, by hardware,
> and it can only be given values to send. The only way I couyld think of
> outputting find is to make a D/A convert that plugs into the link port, and
> the sound would be very low quality because of the low transfer rate.
>        -Josh

Can't the TI-92's ohp port be used? I haven't the slightest idea what it
(the port) looks like, but I know it must have a high transfer rate
since it has to transfer the whole screen almost instantaneously. Then
you could have OK quality audio - of course, that's only if someone is
willing to design the hardware for it!

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