LF: ASM Question...Help please...


LF: ASM Question...Help please...

Parham Sabetazm writes:
 > Hi,
 > 	I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to write a for loop
 > in 68k Assembly? I have the help card and the PDF file from Motorolla

 > tester()
 > Prgm
 > ClrHome		(Or ClrDraw, whichever clears the screen in Asm)
 > For x,1,500
 >   Disp x
 >   Pause
 > EndFor
 > DelVar x

This is a rough translation that only goes to 50.  It's unoptimized
but if you remove the call to idle_loop and change 50 to 999 or so,
it's fairly fast.  Notice that counting backwards is easier in
assembly.  I would normally use macros and EQUs for constants
to make life easier.  This took me about 30 minutes to write
and debug, but someone who's had more experience could probably
do it much faster (still not as easy as TI Basic though).


; ex.asm
; print 1-50
; no rights reserved - kth
        @program        prog_code,prog_name
	jsr	flib[clr_scr]

        move.w  #1,-(a7)               ;#1 is 8x8 font
        jsr     romlib[set_font]
        lea     2(a7),a7

        move.w #1,x                    ; x=1

        move.l #$4440,a1               ; start of LCD mem (aka LCD_MEM)
        move.l #$4440,a2
        add.l  #30*8,a2                ; 8 lines down
        move.w #(((121-8)*30)/2)-1,d0  ; copy first 121 lines up
        move.w (a2),(a1)               ; copy a word (16 bits)
        add.l #2,a1                    
        add.l #2,a2
        dbra.w d0,startcopy            ; if d0 > 0,decrement & goto startcopy

        move.l #$4440+112*30,a1        ;112 lines down
        move.w #(15*8)-1,d0            ;8 rows
        move.w #0,(a1)                 ;clear
        add.l #2,a1
        dbra d0,starterase

        move.w x,-(a7)           ; push argument 1
        pea  numfmt(PC)          ; format string
        pea  numtemp(PC)         ; output buffer
        jsr romlib[sprintf]
        lea 10(a7),a7

        move.w          #0001,-(a7)             ; color
        pea             numtemp(PC)             ; Variable of string to print
        move.w          #112,-(a7)              ;   y
        move.w          #0,-(a7)                ;   x
        jsr             romlib[puttext]         ; ROM call to puttext
        lea             10(a7),a7               ; restore the stack pointer

        jsr flib[idle_loop]                     ; wait for key

        add.w #1,x                              ; x=x+1
        cmp #50,x                              
        ble startloop                           ; while x<=500 loop

        dc.b    "example loop in ML",0

x       dc.w    0
numfmt  dc.b    "%d",0
numtemp dc.b    "    ",0          ;big enough for 9999
;*************** End of Fargo program ****************

        add_library     romlib
        add_library     flib
