[A89] Re: Quick, fast, find and replace


[A89] Re: Quick, fast, find and replace

Thank you, maybe I should have specified C, but I have made a for routine to
do a fairly fast lookup.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jorma.oksanen@aina.fi>
To: <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: [A89] Re: Quick, fast, find and replace

> On 9 May 2003 at 23:30, Nick Peaden wrote:
> > I need to make a routine that would be quick and fast to lookup and
> > replace about 50 different values.
> Assuming 16-bit values:
> start:  lea     table(pc),a0            ; data to be scanned
>         lea     replace(pc),a1          ; values to search for
>         move.l  #with-replace,d1        ; offset between search/replace
table start
> .loop   move.w  (a0)+,d0
>         beq.s   .end                    ; data ends with NULL
>         move.l  a1,a2
> .search cmp.w   (a2)+,d0
>         bgt.s   .search                 ; search data sorted, can use bgt
instead of bne
>         bne.s   .loop                   ; no match, search next
>         move.w  0(a2,d1.l),-2(a0)
>         bra.s   .loop
> .end    rts
> table   dc.w    data1,data2,0
> replace dc.w    old1,old2,-1            ; ascendingly sorted
> with    dc.w    new1,new2,-1
> You can unroll search loop for speedup:
> .search cmp.w   (a2)+,d0
>         ble.s   .maybe
>         ...
>         cmp.w   (a2)+,d0
>         bgt.s   .search
> .maybe  bne.s   .loop
> With 8-bit values it's most efficient to use straight lookup table.
> You can do that quite efficiently with 16/32-bit values as well,
> using bits 1-8 as hash value:
>         ; d0.l=replace(d0.l)
>         lea     hash(pc),a0
>         move.w  d0,d1
>         and.w   #$1FE,d1
>         move.w  0(a0,d1.w),d1           ; offset to subtable
>         beq.s   .not_found
>         lea     0(a0,d1.w),a0           ; new1,old1, ... ,-1,-1
> .loop   move.l  (a0)+,d1
>         cmp.l   (a0)+,d0
>         ble.s   .loop
>         bne.s   .not_found
>         move.l  d1,d0
> .not_found
> "hash" holds offset (from start of "hash" itself) to the table with
> matching bits 1-8, in ascending search-value order.  Memory overhead
> compared to single table as in first example is only 512 bytes for
> hash table, and couple of bytes for each subtable end-mark.
> You might be talking about variable-length values tho.
> Jorma

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