[A89] Re: BCD in sprintf


[A89] Re: BCD in sprintf

>    lea     -30(sp),sp
>     move.w  8(a6),-(sp)
>     move.l  4(a6),-(sp)
>     move.l  (a6),-(sp)
>     pea     DispString(pc)
>     pea     14(sp)
>     move.l  sprintf(a5),a4
>     jsr     (a4)
>     .string "r=%f"

This looks correct to me, except that I don't know about ".string"; whether 
it even exists in A68k.  Could you try removing the "%f" in the string, 
just to test the call to sprintf?

>but it's not working.

What does it do?

Sebastian Reichelt

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