Re: A89: Re: HW detection


Re: A89: Re: HW detection


> Thanks a lot for the routine, in fact it was for an assembly 
> program, so I didn't read the faq (shame on me :))

Or the same in ASM (d1 will contain the HW version):

hwtest: move.l $C8,d1
        and.l #$600000,d1
        move.l d1,a1
        move.l 260(a1),a0
        move.l a0,d0
        sub.l d1,d0
        moveq #1,%d1
        cmp.l #0xFFFF,d0
        bhi.s hwend
        cmpi.w #$16,(a0)
        bls.s hwend
        move.l $16(a0),d1
hwend:  rts

It seems to me that ASM version in this example is even much
more readable that the original C code, due to too many casting
in the original C code.


Zeljko Juric