Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)


Re: Don't bash Microsoft (was A89: Sim City 68k)

Yes, netscape has sucked lately.  However, IE 5.5 has
nearly killed me.  Windows explorer used to load
instantly (all the way through 5.0).  Now it takes
minutes.  And what the F%$)(@$% is up with reopening
branches when I close them while a sub-branch is
selected.  This is one of the single biggest sources of
aggrivation for me in a long time.  Netscape's biggest
being that highlight-the-whole-thing-instead-of-what-was-
problem.  I can't even trust IE anymore.  Saving credit
card info and passwords, as well as all kinds of stuff,
without me even knowing it, let alone able to stop it!

In a message dated 10/1/00 2:01:23 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> Netscape has sucked lately (but I won't use IE.) OmniWeb or iCab for 
>  me. AOL refuses to let other into it's AIM network. And don't forget 
>  what they did to ICQ.
