Re: A89: Re: C problem...


Re: A89: Re: C problem...

> > Instead of increasing the pointer that you pass as a parameter with
> >  'initials++', let that pointer stay the same, and use
> '*initials[count]=key'
> >  instead of '*initials=key'.  Since C is a high-level programming language,
> >  you shouldn't have to mess around with pointers that much.
> When I try this the compiler says "invalid type argument of 'unary * '
> "...why does it say this?

Because "*initials" isn't an array, but "initials" is. Use "initials[count] =
key" instead.
In C the variable you use as an array name is in reality a pointer to a memory
area with the array's element types in order.

 / Niklas Brunlid
Check out Prosit for the TI-89 / TI-92+ at
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The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it
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