A89: A "Server" for calcs


A89: A "Server" for calcs

	Ok, this sounds kinda cool to me but maybe it's not as cool as I thought.  Ok, as I 
sat on the porceline (sp?) goddess, I was thinking of a way that my friends and I could 
transfer messages between calcs while we are in school.  Now, since I have two calcs (an 89 
and an 85), I thought it would be cool to set up a server type thing on my 85 and use an M-
Bus or Radio Link (fission2labs) to interface between my two calcs.  I dunno, maybe I'm just 
too ambitious, but I think it might work.  You'd have to have an expander (at least for the 85) 
to hold all the messages that a person could recieve, but you could write the server program 
to handle that.  Could I get some input and maybe some support in this quest to make TI 
calcs more versatile in the classroom (ok, not more versatile, but more fun :)?  Email me or 
the list if you feel this could work!
Bryan Forbes

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