Re: A89: Re: A possible shell for the 89...


Re: A89: Re: A possible shell for the 89...

> Neither were MSDOS programs...
> But that's the main reason Windows became popular.
> Brunlid has two choices: gain support now, or he can
> wait and hope somebody starts developing for Prosit.

MSDOS/Windows ran on a _slightly_ different (i.e. more advanced) platform -
where you (the OS) had at least some control over what the MSDOS program does,
and where you can be sure that it doesn't "run away" and write over memory it
doesn't own...
Another point is that since Prosit already runs on top of DoorsOS itself, you
kinda have the support you need already.

> My opinion: What good is shell if it can only run the
> demo programs that came with it? If no one develops
> for it it will die.

The shell itself is pretty much a demo in itself, although it _is_ growing...
plus I, like many TI programmers, do it mainly because it's fun (I must admit
I'm itching to make a Tinx3 if I ever get the time :).

The bottom line:
Sure, I can allow DoorsOS programs to run... but you wouldn't want to have
anything important running (with text/gfx/some other data you want to keep).
Also, forget about multitasking DoorsOS programs. It's possible but highly

Small poll: who wants Prosit to run DoorsOS programs?

 / Niklas Brunlid
Check out Prosit for the TI-89 / TI-92+ at
Random PQF Quote follows:

He moved in a way that suggested he was attempting the world speed record
for the nonchalant walk.
        -- (Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic)

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