A89: Re: help?


A89: Re: help?

> could someone please give me a clue as to why this doesn't work? My cousin 
> and I wanted to add a title pic to Jezzball... and I wanted to get a routine 
> to display the pic b4 i added it into the source of jezzball: 
>     include "doorsos.h"
>     include "graphlib.h"
>     include "userlib.h"
>     xdef    _ti89
>     xdef    _main
>     xdef    _comment
> _main:
>     jsr graphlib::clr_scr
>     lea pic(pc),a1
>     lea $4c00,a0
>         move.w  #29,d1
> bigloop:
>         move.w  #15,d0
> loop:

>     move.b  (a1)+,(a0)+
Are you running this on a HW2 calc? If so, try replacing this line with:
 move.b (a1)+,(a0)
 move.b (a0),(a0)+

>     dbra.w  d0,loop
>         lea     14(a0),a0
>     dbra.w  d1,bigloop
>     jsr userlib::idle_loop
>     rts

 / Niklas Brunlid
Check out Prosit for the TI-89 / TI-92+ at http://prosit.ticalc.org
Random PQF Quote follows:

- "Sodomy non sapiens," said Albert under his breath.
- "What does that mean?"
- "Means I'm buggered if I know."
        -- Mort and Albert are facing a problem
           (Terry Pratchett, Mort)
