Re: A89: Event Handlers......


Re: A89: Event Handlers......

At 8/16/00 03:58 AM, you wrote:
>/* includes, defines, prototypes, etc here */
>EVENT_HANDLER old_hook;
>void _main(void)
>     old_hook = EV_hook;
so, could i change the old_hook to run, let's say brain, instead of doors, 
if it is installed? and if not, install the hook?
>     EV_captureEvents (Handler);
>     TRY
>         EV_eventLoop ();
>     ONERR
>         EV_captureEvents (NULL);
>     ENDTRY
>/* more code here */
>void Handler (EVENT *ev)
>/* handle events here, and end it with */
>     if (old_hook != NULL)
>         (*old_hook)(ev);
>     -Scott

Rob Smith
Stupidity got us into this mess - why can't it get us out?
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