A89: Re: pllleeeaaassee hhheelllppp mmeeee


A89: Re: pllleeeaaassee hhheelllppp mmeeee

There is a big long guide for ppl migrating from the 83 to the 89 on TI's
website @ http://www.ti.com/calc/docs/89tips.htm

As for installing and using the shells, I suggest you read the readme.txt
file that comes w/ doorsos.  Should you have any questions about the readme
or what to do next, then ask the list.  Also _always_ check your TI-89
manual, or risk getting not only laughed at on the list, but also yelled at.

-Miles Raymond      EML: m_rayman@bigfoot.com
ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: KilIer2 (kilier2)

----- Original Message -----
From: Ti Calc <ticalcnews@yahoo.com>
To: Assembly 89 <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 8:39 PM
Subject: A89: pllleeeaaassee hhheelllppp mmeeee

> Hi,
> I just jumped a big step from a TI-83 to a TI-89.  I
> downloaded all the games and shells for TI-89.  Now I
> have few questions:
> 1. Which shell is the best one for TI-89?
> 2. I have ROM version 1.05, and I heard most of the
>    games won't work with this ROM version.  What can I
>    do to fix it?
> 3. And last, but not least, can someone please give me
>    a step-by-step instructions on installing one of
> the
>    shell and running the game?
> I'd really appreciate your help.  Please email me back
> at ticalcnews@yahoo.com
> Thank you.
