A89: Memory89


A89: Memory89

Hey, Joe Koston and I are going to make memory for the 89 asm. I have a question tho for you all.  There is going to be a total of 24 cards 6 on a row by 4 rows so there are only going to be 12 diffrent cards(this is what we are planning 20*25 sprites).  My question is what would be a good way to make the cards go in a random order?  Also how would we make it so when you match a card you can't pick a matched card that is off the board?  I was planning on having a cursor that is a outline around the card insted of haveing a cursor I think a outline would be a little easier to work with (Don't you?).  Other than this I think we can handle this game =).  Thanks for you help you all are very nice=)
                      Ryan (Schony) Schonhoff