A89: Internet Link (2 ideas)


A89: Internet Link (2 ideas)

I'm not sure if this has been proposed, but I just came up with an two ideas
that might have some merit.

Calc  <= =>  Host program running on a computer hooked to the net (see
below) <==>  The net

The host computer would get web pages, simplify them as much as required,
depending on the capabilities of the TCML.  This would both save space on
the calc, and make it possible to have a connection that's faster than my
grandma drives.

If we used a setup like this, we wouldn't have nearly the restrictions as
making an entirely on-calc browser.  Of course that would move more of the
code off of the 89 and into whatever language people want to use on the
computer, but that can be good too.

Okay, idea 2

Calc <=modem/connect to the net somehow=>Server (like ticalc.org) see below
<==> 'net

As above the server would simplify the pages enough for a calc to read, but
it could also have original TCML pages.  The biggest problem with this is a
modem for the calc, and finding a server.

Another note
The reasonable part of me wonders why anyone would want to browse the web on
a 160x100 screen in B&W rather than a 17" moniter with millions of colors

the other half wants to push the reasonable part off a cliff for not
understanding technology
Dan Sherman
ICQ:  2297149
AIM: q a w s
