Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)


Re: A89: Internet Link (New language?)

In a message dated 1/11/99 4:46:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> I agree.  Why create our own standard, when there is already another
>  (HTML) that weould serve the same purpose?  If someone could create a TCML
>  browser, it would be just as easy,  or easier, to make an HTML browser.

As someone previously said, HTML is made for at least a 640x480 monitor, and
pages often don't display correctly on that size. (example: HTML is
a bloated and messy language, and while that's OK for a 233 mhz computer with
a hard drive that averages about three cents a meg, it simply won't do on a
calc. While someone could write a simple HTML interpreter, I'd imagine that it
would hog a lot of memory. With a language designed for the calc, a LOT of
space can be saved, and the look of the page will be nicer overall.

I was also thinking that the language could be extremely easy. Someone
mentioned having a tag on each line that looked something like this:

(2Welcome to my page!)2

Would display "Welcome to my Page!" in medium-sized letters. (The standard
font for the calc. After some thinking, I decided that it could get easier,
but be based on the same concept, where the first letter or character of any
line would tell the TCML interpereter what to do:

3Welcome to my page!
2Do you enjoy calculator games? I do! And that's why I program them!

This would display "Welcome to my page!" in large letters, centered on the
screen. (The C). Then, it would make a line (the H) do a line break (the B)
then display some body text in medium letters, left justified (the L). Having
one element per command line would make the interpreter smaller and easier to
write. Not only that, but having only ten or so tags would make it easy to
use- one simple command sheet could cover the entire language!

Now does that beat the crap out of HTML for simplicity, or what?
